At Product Madness, we are committed to ensuring that you have a fantastic experience whilst playing our games. Often we get questions on payments that people have made. The only way in which we can verify those payments is by the use of Transaction ID's. These are easy to get, but unfortunately, Facebook has hidden them away a little! :)
Below we have step-by-step instructions on how to uncover those transaction IDs.
Start off on your Facebook Homepage. On the top right-hand corner, you will see a little gearbox with a down arrow. It looks like this:
Click on the downward arrow and you will get a drop-down menu:
Please click on Settings & privacy as highlighted above, and then again "Settings".
On the following screen on the left-hand side, select Facebook Pay which is located towards the end.
This will change the window on the right-hand side where you will be able to see your recent activity:
Then click on the transaction (in this case we clicked on the first one) and you will finally get to the transaction id:
We have put a box around the transaction ID. This is the information that we need when looking into transactions. We are sorry that it is so hidden away, but this is out of our control.
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